
This blog is an attempt to bring alive dream of sharing my experiences. Mostly about myself and the way I view the world around me. I want to be the voice for me and for those rarely talked about – the normal everyday folks in villages and small towns. Thank you for stopping by.


***Ori yeye nii mogun, t’aise lopo – Lots of people killed, most of them were innocent. Perfect saying for Nigeria state of affair.

78 thoughts on “About

    1. Hi there – I don’t know any of these guys personally, most of what we heard were speculations, so unable to provide names. However, those in student government at the time like Student Union president (Legacy) likely to know. Best wishes.


    1. Hi Jacqueline,

      Many thanks for this! I’d love to participate in this but I don’t usually post everyday and my posts tend to follow no rules per se so can’t participate at the moment.

      I do appreciate the invite and you reaching out. Thank you.


  1. Hi Fola,

    Reading your insightful posts, especially your views on the current politiking and the local issues in Nigeria, is really interesting. Thank you for dropping by too. Hope to read more of your article.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much! It’s the thought that counts 🙂

      I wish I could say that I will act on it but I have once spent so much time procrastinating about what to say that I ended up saying nothing – very bad I know.

      Now, I have decided not to ‘act’ on any awards but celebrate being nominated.


    1. Many thanks for nominating me for an award, really appreciate the kind gesture.

      Your answers to the award questions was inspiring. Being grateful for ‘Today’ because no one can guarantee tomorrow….thank you for that!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I did love your artworks! I love arts but sucked at it so when a story teller is also an illustrator, I have special admiration for their works because so much can be said by a simple illustration. I will be visiting more often from now 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for enjoying my posts.

      Ben story was inspiring. Only little and had to deal with these challenges. Very comforting was to read about his family around him supporting and documenting the events – He’ll have a lot to be grateful for when older.


  2. Hi Folakemi
    You are doing a great thing here! Each voice has a song to sing, a melody to share and a right to be heard! Allowing the world into your world, to share your life, how you live it and see it is courageous and inspiring – thank you! How else are we ever to join hands and get along together if we don’t see, hear and accept that we are all different and unique – and that’s okay?! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the like and follow!
    I look forward to following yours…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog your site is great and very informative. If you’d ever like to guest blog at my site let me know. I’d be more than honored to have your voice on my site.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lex – Thank you for visiting back! Very much appreciated. Your blog is quite enlightening too, I found myself nodding along reading the one about Ebola. Also thanks for the offer of guest blog, I will be reaching out on that!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, although I cannot take any credit for the Ebola post, that post was written by Hope Nwuso – she’s the only one of my guest bloggers that writes about the African region.
        Looking forward to hearing back from you 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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